Secrets of the Rich _ 06

Secret 06

Others Money

They Get Rich Using Other People’s Money

We mentioned this a couple of times in the past and every time we do, people react with confusion. “What do you mean other people are giving you their money so you can become rich?” because in their minds and in the minds of most people this makes no sense whatsoever.

Yet the rich, have known and used this for years. It’s one of those secrets that seems complicated to people who don’t understand money.

This happened, because regular people use others people’s money all the time, but they’re the ones who end up paying it back. They use credit cards to buy groceries or fix the car, once the expense is made, they need to bust their behinds to pay back the loan. Same thing happens with the education. You’re using other people’s money to study, but once you’re done partying, the bill comes and congrats, now you’re under crushing debt.

Rich people borrow money and have other people pay it back!

Let me say that again so you understand what I’m saying:

Rich people borrow money, but other people are paying it back!

If this is the first time you’re reading one of our articles you might think that we’re insane and that there’s no way this is true, but it is. This is how the rich get richer.

The rich go to the bank and borrow money to build an apartment building. Then sell the apartments to you, the buyer with an added costs. They take your money and give the fair share back to the bank, pocketing the difference.

The rich have been buying houses and buildings without putting any money down for years and you’re just hearing about this.

How is this happening, because you might not understand that there are more than one types of value. Ideas, management and execution are also valuable apart from money.

This is the reason why steve & woz, zucks, the founders of google managed to get rich.

They had an idea, they knew how to execute it, and then used other people’s money to make it happen. In this trio of variable, money is the least valuable because it’s the most available.

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