
Do you have an idea for a new product that will revolutionize life as we know it? Are you thinking about new ways to solve existing problems? Whether it is a new idea or a problem that requires a new solution, you might want to look into being innovative.

What is innovation?

Innovation is a new idea that often can be duplicated at a low cost often by applying a better solution to an existing or new problem, requirement or need.

How to be innovative

Don’t get caught in the idea that an innovation is like creating Sir Humphry Davy creating the first electric light in 1802. You don’t have to potter in a lab and spend years with your lab equipment to be innovative. To be innovative, you need to see the world through new eyes and be creative. You have to look at an existing problem and see a new solution. Your goal is to create an effective solution that far surpasses what is available in the present. Aim to help others with your solution for best results. Look at the issue in a new light: see what the problem is, what needs to be done, and how to do it. If you can propose a solution that takes less resources than earlier and is better, you have an innovative solution.

You can also create new products as part of innovation. If your company is engaged in creating products, it is important that you create new things at regular intervals to stay ahead of the market. Many companies invest millions on research and development to achieve exactly this. To be innovative, you need to be creative in both your thoughts and your approach. Your goal is to solve the customers’ problems through a creative new idea so you have to understand the problem first, think in a new way, and propose a solution that works for the client and for your company. This will help your company provide a better product and service to its customers.

Elements of innovation

  • Creating meaningful differences between new/proposed products and the options available at present.
  • Understanding and offering new means that meet a previously unmet need to help customers with achieving their goals.
  • Creating new ways to make people’s lives better or happier.
  • Competing in new markets with existing or new brands. Introducing a product to a new m
  • You can be innovative in how you present an existing idea, product or brand, as we see often with Apple products.
  • Use technology to innovate with existing products and make them new. Today’s technology is such a game changer in that it allows us to make massive changes in our lives with the smallest possible input. So don’t be afraid to use it. Learn it, love it, use it. It will help you be innovative and efficient. Source: Michelle Greenwald, article published on Forbes (March, 2014)
  • Remember that collaboration is very useful in innovation. We cannot know everything there is to know, even in our field. So it is a good idea to talk to and learn from, as well as work with, people who have experience and knowledge in the industry. Working with someone else can help make your product even better because two heads will see more problems and solutions than one head.

The world always needs innovators and creators. Whether you use acrylic or acetone, you have much to offer this world and you should create with confidence.

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